墨九爷的小娇妻(重生) 第25节(4 / 4)

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  姜斯辰嘴像是抹了蜜一般的说道:hello, i'm chensi. it's nice to meet you. i've heard about james yah, the leader of the boxing family. today, i learned that he was really extraordinary. he's so beautiful that i can't keep my eyes open.
  詹姆斯-亚看见眼前这么帅的男子夸自己,瞬间小脸通红,也不知道是哪根筋没有搭对,居然对着刚认识的姜斯辰,羞涩的说道:i wonder if you have a girlfriend now, president chen. i am honored to meet you. i want you to be my boyfriend. do you think i can?
  辰斯说:i'm here to talk about cooperation, not love. i'm glad you will choose me, but let's talk about cooperation!
  我是来谈合作的,不是来谈恋爱,很高兴你会选择我,但是我们还是谈谈合作吧! ↑返回顶部↑
